
Radipole Primary School

Happy, kind and brave.

Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.

Extended Schools

About Our Extended School Provision


We provide good quality childcare before and after school for the children of Radipole Primary School from Reception to Year 6, run by experienced and enthusiastic staff.


If your child attends Breakfast Club, we aim to provide a nutritious and filling breakfast which will prepare your child for the school day. After School Club are provided with a selection of healthy snacks.


We are committed to providing equal opportunities for play and participation and will ensure that your child will have a safe and happy time at Breakfast Club or After School Club.


We listen to the needs and preferences of the children and their parents/carers and try where possible to meet those needs eg particular foods.


We encourage children to use Breakfast Club and After School Club as a social opportunity, chat, learn to share, co-operation, and at the same time to learn about the benefits of healthy eating.


We all sit around the table until we have finished eating, then quiet play or activities are chosen.  We may do a group activity outside, if the weather permits.


We welcome feedback from children and parents/carers in regards to the service we provide.


Children will be expected to take an active part in the club, for example, helping to clear away.


The success of the club depends on the co-operation and sharing between all those involved.  Parents should address any comments they wish to make to the School Business Manager or the Headteacher at the school.


Aims of Extended Schools Provision


* To support working parents by providing a high quality service which meets the needs of both parents/carers and children;


* To provide a reliable, safe supportive and welcoming environment where children can play, have fun, relax and be with friends;


* To offer the children an opportunity of having a healthy, nutritious breakfast preparing your child for the start of the school day and a healthy snack and drink at the end of the school day.


To provide good quality childcare for the children of Radipole Primary School aged between 4 and 11 with experienced and enthusiastic staff.


* To provide equal opportunities for play and participation and ensuring children have a safe and enjoyable time.


Further Information


Opening Times


Breakfast Club is open every week day during term time excluding Inset Days. There are two sessions, our longer session is from 7.30am – 8.40am and includes breakfast (breakfast will be served until 8.15am), our shorter session runs from 8.15am - 8.40am without breakfast. Your child can be dropped off at any time between these times.  Children are dropped off in the school hall.


After School Clubs is open every week day during term time excluding Inset Days, from 3.10pm – 6.00pm. Children in Reception to Year 3 will be escorted to After School Club by a member of staff. Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 will be trusted to walk across the school to After School Club by themselves. Children are picked up from the extended schools room which is located at the back of the Year 5/6 block.


Please could all parents/carers ensure that they sign the register for their child when dropping them off or collecting them.




Breakfast Club Longer Session – £4.00 per child per morning including breakfast.


Breakfast Club Shorter Session - £1.50 per child


After School Club – £7.00 collection before 4.45pm, £12.00 collection between 4.45pm – 6.00pm.


If you are entitled to be registered at the school for the Pupil Premium, there will be no cost for extended schools. For more information about whether your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium, please ask at the school office.




Book via the School Gateway App until we switch to the Reach More Parents app in January 2025. For more information on booking a place speak to the school office (01305) 783353.

School Gateway - Instructions for Registering (This app will not be used from January 2025)
