
Radipole Primary School

Happy, kind and brave.

Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.


Welcome to the PTA section.


Your Committee

Chair –  Emma Graham

Secretary – Toni James

Treasurer – Christina Mathers



Every parent or carer at Radipole Primary School is automatically a member of the P.T.F.A and everybody is welcome to attend any of the meetings held throughout the year.


Please consider taking an active role in the P.T.F.A, as members of the existing committee will be standing down this term as their children move up to senior school. Being involved in the P.T.F.A will enable you to become really involved with the school, meet different parents and members of staff, and have a say in this very important aspect of your children’s lives.


As a registered charity, we are required to have a formal committee with a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer and at least ten other members.


We get together every few weeks and we welcome new members to the informal and friendly meetings. Our aim is to support the school and to enhance the environment and facilities that we can offer the children. We would love to hear from anyone who has particular skills, such as DIY, gardening or art, for example.


Help is often needed to serve refreshments at school functions, pupils productions, discos and so on, and we hold a ‘working weekend’ towards the end of the spring term to prepare the pool for the children’s swimming lessons.


For all of our Agenda’s, Minutes and P.T.F.A news please visit our P.T.F.A news blog.
