Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
We are very proud of our school and the site. Click below for a drone-footage-tour of the school.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Radipole Primary School. You should find everything you need to know about our school on this website. We are here for you and your child and I invite you to contact me concerning any aspect of school life, if you require any further information or would like to visit our school.
As a school, we are fully committed to developing each child’s unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. The children of Radipole Primary are happy learners, who work hard to reach the challenges set by their teachers.
By the end of Year 6, children leave our school ready to face the excitement and challenges of secondary school. They are confident to organise themselves and make new friends, and have a positive attitude to learning.
Radipole Primary School is a caring and inclusive school. We believe that the home-school partnership is an essential part of our commitment to success. We see teachers and parents as equal partners working together to enable all children to reach their potential.
Mrs Kathy McCann
Radipole Primary is a community school, catering for boys and girls, aged from 4 to 11 years, situated on a large rural site to the north of Weymouth. The school has 14 classrooms, a large hall, a well-equipped ICT room, library, swimming pool and extensive grounds.
In addition the school is fortunate to have a large nature reserve, comprising one and a half hectares of protected woodland and meadow. This area lends itself to a wide range of cross-curricular activities and all children have supervised access to this facility throughout their time at school.
The teachers are complemented by a team of qualified teaching assistants, office staff, lunchtime supervisors, cleaners and a residential caretaker. We are also fortunate to have an impressive number of voluntary helpers who work in a wide range of capacities in the school, in the classroom or with small groups of children.
In addition, there are regular visits from peripatetic music teachers, school health personnel, the educational psychologist and other specialist support agencies.
This wide-ranging and very supportive partnership contributes significantly to the success of the school and to the friendly, ‘family’ atmosphere we enjoy. The school enjoys many mutually beneficial links with the local community.
Sporting, musical and artistic events are shared, we enjoy regular visits from a wide cross-section of the local and wider community, and children are given many opportunities to extend their learning outside the immediate school environment. A school council exists, through which children are encouraged to participate in decision making on issues, which affect them, and to develop aspects of citizenship and social responsibility.