Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
Welcome to our Remote Learning page.
Currently, all classes are in school and remote learning work is for the minority of children who need to complete a self-isolation period but are feeling well in themselves. If your child is poorly - don't worry about remote learning, just rest and recover!
For remote learning, please click here to visit the Oak Academy online classroom.
Here you will find scheduled learning for every day, suitable for each year group, for English and Mathematics, including a video lesson and associated activity. You can navigate forwards and backwards in the sequence and you can pause and replay the videos.
Further useful links to games and websites are given at the bottom of the page, to help children with maths, English and other curriculum areas.
In addition, there are several weeks' worth of remote learning "packs" for each year group that can also be completed independently.
Thank you for your support. Please contact the office with any queries.