Radipole School Council
Each class have two school council members who are voted in by their class each year. They work with Mrs Hilton and Mrs Satherley to help all the children in the school to have a voice.
School Council 2023 - 2024
Year 1 - Anamika, Rueben, Ellis, Aria
Year 2 - Teddy, Kaja, Ivy, Carson
Year 3 - Mason, Molly, Ronnie, Olivia M
Year 4 - Chloe, James, Ellie, Caileb
Year 5 - George, Kaydee, Clara, Harrison R-J
Year 6 - Bethan, Max O, Evie, Jude
School Council Meeting 19 Sept 23
The school council met at 8.45 this morning. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
- What does being a school councilor mean?
- School Council to check to see if all classrooms have suggestions boxes, and if not, they will make one.
- School Council are going to explain to their classes what their suggestions boxes are for and give examples of sensible suggestions.
School Council Meeting 10 Oct 23
The school council met at 8.45 this morning. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
- School council updated Mrs Hilton on whether they had managed to organise their suggestion boxes.
- We discussed what to do for Children in Need. Lots of ideas were put forward and the final decision was to wear something spotty. George, Kaydee, Clara and Harrison will write something to go out on Parentmail.
- We also talked about what to do for Anti-Bullying Week - we decided to wear spotty socks to raise awareness and Mrs Hilton will ask teachers to talk to their classes about bullying.
School Council Meeting 21 Nov 23
The school council met at 845am this morning. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
- Mrs Hilton was able to share with school council that the total raised for Children in Need was £245. Mrs Hilton will ask Mrs Miller to send this information out via Parentmail so everyone is updated.
- 4P's Suggestion Box had lots of requests for more books in the library. Mrs Hilton will pass this on to the English team for when they are next ordering new books.
- We talked about running 'Children Run the School Day' again as it's been a long time since we've done this. School Council are going to talk to their classes about this and we will discuss this again when we next meet.
School Council Meeting 5 Dec 23
The school council met at 845am this morning. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
- The children who had spoken to their classes about 'Children Run the School Day' said their classmates were very enthusiastic about it. We will come back to this in the Spring Term and look at dates.
- Mrs Hilton raised the issue of parking outside of the school grounds and the children agreed that sometimes people park dangerously. We will write something together to go out to parents.
School Council Meeting 9 Jan 24
The school council met at 845am this morning. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
- We revisited the discussion about parking outside school. Before Christmas, some school council members wrote a letter to parents about this. Mrs Hilton shared this with school council and all agreed it should go out to parents.
- Mrs Hilton will ask the office to send out this week. School council have been asked to share this letter with their classes so everyone is aware.
School Council Meeting 20 Feb 24
The school council met at 845am this morning. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
- We discussed what we'd like to do for Red Nose Day (Fri 15th March). We had lots of ideas which Mrs Hilton will discuss with Mrs McCann. We spoke about how important it is to not ask families to buy anything new just for the day.
School Council Meeting 5 Mar 24
The school council met at 845am this morning. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
- We talked about Red Nose Day and sending reminders to parents and children.
- Mrs Hilton explained that there will be interviews on Monday 11th March. School Council will be doing tours of the school for the candidates. We talked about what we like to show visitors.