
Radipole Primary School

Happy, kind and brave.

Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.

Year 4


Welcome to Year 4


Welcome to Year 4, where we will be going on many exciting and inspiring learning journeys together. We cover a wide range of topics which include learning all about the Jurassic Coast and mountains. We also enjoy finding out what life was like during the Victorian times and how the local history of the Black Death affected our area.


We know there will be new  challenges and experiences along the way such as learning to play lacrosse, basketball and cricket, creating amazing things in art and DT, and becoming more independent learners


For many children the highlight of the year is the residential trip to Leeson House. We believe that it is important to work hard, but just as equally important to have fun and be creative.


Mr Bowden, Ms Probert,  Mr James, Miss McCann and Mrs Smith are on hand to help you along the way and guide you towards developing your learning skills and independent thinking.


Year 4 Teaching Team

Mr Pip Bowden
Ms Fiona Probert
Mr Harry James - TA
Miss Beth McCann - TA
Mrs Christine Smith - TA




Outdoor PE - Monday

Indoor PE - Tuesday

Nature Reserve (not every week) - Wednesday


Year 4 Curriculum


Key Objectives

Reading  Writing     Maths   

Reading Spine


There are some exciting texts to look forward to reading in Year 4.

To find out more about the text children will read, take a look at our Reading Spine.

Year 4 Links


Useful Information
