
Radipole Primary School

Happy, kind and brave.

Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.

Year 2 - Trip To Lorton Meadows

What a fantastic trip to Lorton Meadows the children had this week. We were very proud of how well the children walked to the barn and how interested they were in the activities. They all listened well and carried out the activities carefully. The children really enjoyed searching and describing minibeast they found in the woods. They looked under logs and in the brushes and spotted some amazing spider webs. They all really enjoyed pond dipping and were suprised to see how many creatures were in the pond water. They found midge lavae, pond snails, water boatmen and lots more. Even though it rained a little the children all had a great time.


The children have spent the week using what they have learnt this term about about recounts, to write their own recount of our trip to Lorton Meadows. They have produced some lovely writing using time adverbs and describing what they saw with adjectives.


In Maths we have been using number bonds to help solve addition and subtraction problems. They are getting better at this and are beginning to recall number bonds to 10 more quickly but must continue to work on this.


We hope the children have a fantastic holiday.
