Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
What a chilly yet wonderful start to the term! The children are raring to go with their new topics and new experiences.
Our PE lessons have started with so much enthusiasm and excitement. Why? This half term we have a cricket coach teaching the children on a Wednesday morning, and we have started our new indoor unit on badminton on a Tuesday afternoon.
In Computing, we are investigating online safety which we know is an essential skill for us all.
In Maths, we are continuing with Multiplication and Division, which is preparing us well for the upcoming Multiplication Test Check in the Summer Term.
We are all very excited for our DT project this half term which is food technology. Next week, the children will be make and tasting their very own pasta sauce! The recipe has been sent home too, so that everyone can make and enjoy this delicious sauce.
A huge congratulations to all of those Year 4 children who took part in the cross- country try-out this week. We were all so impressed with your efforts.
What a great first week back!