
Radipole Primary School

Happy, kind and brave.

Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.

Year 2 - A fabulous end to a fantastic term

The children have been working hard right up to the very last minute. In English, they have published their letters on behalf of Greenpeace. They worked exceptionally hard to present their work using their neatest handwriting and the correct layout of a letter.

Their Design Technology work finally came to its end with an array of some amazing glove puppets. The puppets were designed for the needs of specific clients, and the children sewed, glued and worked with great determination. The teachers and TA’s were so very proud of them all. 

It was not all work this week. Party day on Wednesday was so sensational. There was many games, hat-making and card-making activities plus the delicious Christmas lunch! The children dressed up in their Christmassy home clothes added just the right amount of Christmas sparkle to the day.

The Year 2 team would like to thank all the children and `parents for an amazing Autumn Term, and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
