Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
Bossy Year 2!
The children have not actually been bossy (adjective), but they have been using bossy verbs in their English writing this week. As part of their work on instruction writing, the children have used imperative verbs (bossy verbs) to clearly explain each step of an instruction. The children watched their class teacher demonstrate making a pizza, and they then had to write their instructions in chronological order. Perhaps you could have a go at making a pizza with them too – they could easy give you the instructions using verbs like chop, slice, wash, spread, and sprinkle.
The teachers have been extremely impressed with how their recorder skills are developing this term. Learning the notes C and D, and playing along with the Zootime music, the children have really started to sound amazing. Many of the children want a recorder for home to practise – parents, do you dare?
In DT, we have been looking at making smoothies. We have done our market research, and the children have made their choices of fruit and vegetables that they would like to have in their smoothies. A letter has gone out today, and we hope that they will create these on Friday 24th March.