Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
The children have returned to school with new energy and a readiness to learn. As always, we have started many new topics this term, so remember to ask the children about what they are learning.
In Maths, we have started a new topic on Money. The children are learning how to recognise the different coins and notes, and to add up in £ and pence. This is a great time to be encouraging the children to have-a-go at spending and counting real money whenever you can.
In ICT, the children have started working on creating pictograms. They found it quite easy to record the information successfully. The next challenge will be to interpret and ask questions about their pictograms.
Challenges is a theme that is part of our PSHE this term. One aspect we discussed this week was – what is a realistic challenge or goal? Linking our PSHE to our English, we have taken on the challenge of learning the poem ‘The Owl and The Pussy-Cat’ by Edward Lear. We decided that learning the first verse was certainly a realistic challenge for all of the children and teachers. Learning all three verses was a much greater challenge, but some children think they can do it by next Tuesday? Watch this space.