Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
Year 2 have spent so many lessons this week talking about food.
In Science, they have been looking at the different food groups and sorted a range of foods into the correct groups: fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, dairy and fats and oils (inc. other sweet foods).
In PSHE, they also looked at healthy eating, and they discussed what a healthy snack should look like. They even created their own healthy snack.
However, it was Friday's DT lesson that made all that learning worthwhile. After weeks of looking at smoothies, tasting a variety of smoothies, designing their own smoothies, it was finally time to make their own smoothies.Twenty ingredients were at hand, and the designing chefs worked like true professionals.
Their instruction skills came to the fore as they used those bossy verbs to create their individual smoothies: chopping, peeling, slicing, blending and the best part: tasting.
What a delicious way to end the week!