
Radipole Primary School

Happy, kind and brave.

Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.

Year 4 - Anglo Saxon Day

What an eventful day!

What a busy day!

What a fun day!


The children dressed up for the day and looked absolutely amazing! It was the start of great things. 


The children learned so much today from playing the Anglo-Saxon game the Fox and Geese, to writing in ancient letters using quills. They even discovered the terrible fate of people who broke the laws during the Anglo-Saxon times. Parents, ask your child if they had been found guilty of any crimes during this history day. 


Erik,the Anglo-Saxon lard, explained and displayed all of the weapons used in battle.A highlight of the day was indeed the Battle of 4B/4P where 'spears' were thrown in the attack and shield used to defend. A fabulous end to our topic on the Anglo-Saxons, well done everyone :-) 


