Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
This week was Children’s Mental Health week and Safer Internet Day. As part of our Mental Health week, we watched a story called Lucy’s Blue Day, which discussed emotions in terms of colour. Why not check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmrUV8v-KQg. We also focussed on our mindfulness too. We listened to relaxing music, took time to rest our minds and used colouring as a form of switching off. Simply being in the moment is important.
Safer internet Day gave us the opportunity to appreciate how we act online is important. Respect, kindness and appreciation of those on line is essential to keeping us safe online.
Today was the last day of our hockey sessions with Emily and her assistant coaches. We all wanted to say a great big ‘Thank you’!