Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
It is so good to see all the children return well rested and enthusiastic for our new topics.
It has been a very busy 4-day week.
In Music, the children have started a new topic where they are learning to play the Mardi Gras on the glockenspiels.
Outdoor PE this week, has brought the exciting topic of tag rugby and luckily, it brought the sunshine!
In French, Madame Smith read Goldilocks and the Three Bears in French, and the children were introduced to names for family-member names. Why not test them to see what they can remember?
The children are really looking to next week, where they will be using their instructional writing skills to write and follow a recipe for making pasta sauce. Look out for those photos next week.
We wish you all a very Happy New Year!