Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
What an amazing week it has been!
After a demonstration lesson led by Chef Probert and Chef Bowden, the children were ready to be EXPLORASUS dinosaurs and have a go at planning and making their own Italian Pasta Sauce. First, the children created story boards to show the stages of their recipe, using imperative verbs. When they entered the 'kitchen', they become amazingly skillful Italian chefs!
Washing, chopping, heating, stirring, mixing, pouring were some of their skills used, with finally thoroughly enjoying their own adapted recipes.
We are so delighted to hear that so many children are also re-creating this recipe at home too!
In Indoor PE, the children have been truly talented gymnasts, who displayed themselves as great COLLABADON dinosaurs. In this week's lesson, it was all about creating balances with a partner. They had to work well together,and keep on trying until they could hole the balances without falling over!
A fabulous week!
We are looking forward to our first visit to the Nature Reserve on Monday.