
Radipole Primary School

Happy, kind and brave.

Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.

Year 4 - Times Tables Champions!

Year 4 are truly getting into the swing of learning their times table facts. In class, we have been focusing on our 3, 6 and 9 times tables. We have played games, completed number wheels and even started trying to speed up our recall of the multiplication facts. We even had a multiplication treasure hunt in the Nature reserve too! We loved playing the Sumdog times tables games in the computer room.


In English, we used our super imaginations to create our own dragons and wrote a non-chronological report about them, including appearance, diet, habitat and other amazing facts. 


PE has been a highlight this week too. In Real Gym, we were looking at being Collabadons, for we worked in pairs trying to create a range of balances. In Lacrosse,  the children continued to use their skills to run with the lacrosse net without dropping their ball and to throw the ball to a partner.  


French Friday saw us using our number, colour and clothing vocabulary. When Mrs Smith called out an item in French, we used the cards to show the answer. 

