Happy, kind and brave.
Together we learn, together we grow, together we soar.
What a busy and exciting couple of weeks we have had in school! Last week the children had a fantastic evening listening to stories and enjoying a hot chocolate. The children all enjoyed listening to our visiting storyteller who got the children involved, joining in with the story.
Last week the children were taught how to finger knit. Many of the children showed great resilience with this and although they found it difficult, were able to persevere and carried on during the many wet plays we had last week. It was lovely to see how proud they were of their achievements.
Today we all enjoyed taking part in our Kenya Day. The children worked together with Reception children making animal masks, printing patterns after looking at Kenyan fabrics, drumming and exploring drama - imagining they were on a trip to Kenya. It was lovely to see them all working collaboratively and showing kindness to the Reception children.